Friday, December 29, 2006

some interviews with a group of web revolutionaries

On these days I'm checking a lot of applications of the Web2.0 thinking on how to use them more effectively in the classroom and among other documents I found this special issue of the Guardian with interviews with a lot of the successful pioneers

This is the summary video, and the main page with all the complete articles and interviews

something different, also great, a series of podcasts and videos from the K12 online conference on how to use all these applications in the classroom, they suggest lot of ideas.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

de descanso

Llevo unos días de descanso, o lo que es lo mismo, tratando de hacer sólo aquello que me apetece en la web y nada del trabajo que actualmente hago. Esto es una novedad en mucho tiempo y hasta es raro y difícil de llevar a cabo.
Como siempre descubro mil cosas nuevas. Estar actualizado es bien costoso. No time to read and experience all new tools and sites on the Web. What I'm doing most of the time is listening to French audios and videos, my French is terrible, but hopefully I will improve it (j'espère),
I love this song:

and don't miss the exercise prepared by Carmen Vera

enjoy your time

Monday, December 18, 2006

is this CLIL?

I find amazing material every day, like this video.

Could this be used to teach Maths in English? to introduce a lesson on logarithms? to teach some expressions in English? or even pronunciation? or to talk about relationships? Great anyway,

Sunday, December 03, 2006

online educa berlin 2006

Online educa Berlin took place last week. I spent a busy week in one of the biggest conferences of elearning. Too much input to digest. The Web 2.0 was in the air of the conference. Many interesting sessions, but one I especially enjoyed was one of the last on Friday "Role of Game-Based Learning", with the participation of Maja Pivec, the project coordinator of
Sig-Glue,Graeme Duncan, Chief from Caspian Learning Euan Mackenzie, CEO 3MRT, and many others. More info on the sessions at

I see games as an emerging new light in the future of elearning, especially in schools, let's see what's the future brings to us.

Watch a video with several interviews in French at Jean Michel Billaut's blog . i don't know if there are any others in English.